It’s a gloomy morning as the sun takes a vacation
As the rain slaps the floor your body coils for warmth
But the alarm that you have been snoozing won’t give up
As you try to make peace with your mind that won’t let you
Do not sleep too long
Squeezing your eyelids open to let in as little light as possible you try to start the day
Guess what!! The day began a while ago
Millions of shillings have been made far long as you dared to warm your bed.
Do not sleep too long
Serious clientele is long gone
And your muscles will remain as lazy as you set the day
But the bills will come
Ready or not they won’t fail to come.
Do not sleep too long
Too late it maybe for today but too early it is for tomorrow
Bend you knees and say a prayer of thanksgiving
And begin the day anyway…..
Do not sleep too long