


Let us wind #Blogmas in style

Do not give up yet

Not again!!! This is a common reaction when someone sees a heading such as this but before you close off please hear me out.

The last two years have been exceptionally hard on everyone. I have a friend who says, I do not make resolutions anymore, the day that comes is what I count on. Who can blame them? There is one thing for sure though, every cloud has a silver lining. Is it hard for you to breathe? Please do not give up yet, try again, it is worth the try. Take a break if you must but do not give it all up. This period has taught us countless lessons some of which are very hard to stomach but it is what it is. I share the 12 lessons I learned this year, next, so stay tuned.

12 lessons I learned this year

  • Lesson 1; Life is short and time is swift, make the most of it when you still can
  • Lesson 2; It is not too late to make an impact in society, you just have to decide.
  • Lesson 3; Invest in yourself, it is the best reward you can ever give self
  • Lesson 4; Nothing in this world is worth your peace.
  • Lesson 5; It is impossible to please man, save yourself the ache.
  • Lesson 6; Be the bigger person in a situation, it always counts.
  • Lesson 7; Purpose to seek out new company from time to time, you will learn loads.
  • Lesson 8; Do not be afraid to move on, complacency is jail.
  • Lesson 9; No one will give you the joy you desire, you have it within you.
  • Lesson 10; Sometimes you win, other times you lose and it is okay.
  • Lesson 11; Nothing lasts forever, breathe.
  • Lesson 12; A story has to be told or there will be no story. Do not die with it.

A letter to self

Dear Lutgard

You did well mama. This year started bitter-sweet, you endured some hard blows, made tough decisions, crumbled under the weight of some but you flew high at the same time love. It has been beautiful watching the roller coaster.

I remember the look on your face when your book finally got published, priceless!!!! I didn’t see a tear fall but I know you teared deep inside. Sitting in front of the camera, uncomfortable as it was, I could tell that you were happy to be living your purpose. You did well my dear girl and the world embraced it. Proud of you does not come close to what I feel for you but I am PROUD OF YOU LUTGARD. The world is not yet ready for what you have in store for them.

I promise to keep cheering you here on the sidelines. I will laugh silly with you, cry with you, and win with you. You have got this. With the Lord whom you serve relentlessly, you are going to make it large.

I love you


Lutgard Musiime Akiiki

My Inspiration for Blogmas

I had struggled to write this year from outright exhaustion yet I knew I had to rise to the occasion. I however managed to always publish one article every other month although deep within me I knew I had to do better. When Sylvia Ideh posted this challenge in our writing community, I did not want to participate but I knew this was my opportunity to restore my rhythm for writing. This was my inspiration for Blogmas. I may have not done it the way I envisioned but I am glad I could hop on it and have finished strong. Amazing!!!


I am writing this on 24th December 2021, with a sore back and feet from bending the whole day doing endless chores at home in preparation for Christmas. Being born in a small family and being the only girl has its pros and cons, one of the cons is that you endure most of the work (I love it, don’t get me wrong) but it gets very tiring as well.

That is beside the point though. I want to thank each one of you who made it a point to read my Blogmas content, but most importantly those who have been with me from day 1, you are the real MVPs, The child Jesus is born unto us and it is reason enough for us to celebrate. May hope be renewed and restored in your hearts and your families as you celebrate Christmas this year.

The Blogmas season comes to an end, but blogging does not stop. There is a lot more and better. I will not be here though until next year, so I guess I have to wish each of you a blessed 2022. You are special to me and I cannot wait to have you in the new year.

Till next time. God bless you.


Blogmas 14, 15,16,17,18,19 & 20

Blogmas-Vlogmas. Any difference

Vlogmas is the most familiar activity creatives do if I am not mistaken and it is what I was most accustomed to. If you are wondering what Vlogmas is, we need to understand what a Vlog is.

A vlog is a form of blog for which the medium is video. You may call it a video blog or video log if you like, sometimes shortened to vlog. According to Wikipedia, Vlog entries often combine embedded video with supporting text, images, and other metadata. Entries can be recorded in one take or cut into multiple parts.

So now that we know what a vlog is, Vlogmas is simply a holiday event where YouTube creators post videos every day in December leading up to Christmas. They purpose to create a video every day until the 25th of December.

At the beginning of the #Blogmas edition, I mentioned what Blogmas is, the only difference between Blogmas and Vlogmas is the difference in the medium used to publish content for their audiences.

This time, here are currently my favorite Vloggers; 1. Maggie Mwende, an all-time favorite, 2. Flavia Tumusiime, 3. Oh Smallstuff

Watch them and see if you can pick out a thing or two.

5 bloggers killing it in this Blogmas edition season

If I make it past the 3 mark, I will be very lucky. My number one has to be the person responsible for this. Sylvia Ideh was gracious enough to come up with Blogmas ideas and share them freely with anyone who wanted to join in. You can read more of her Blogmas here.

The second one is my girl Joy who graciously joined me in this challenge so that I do not die alone. This girl always comes through. She will soon join the table of authors and I will be here to plug you in. For now, enjoy her Blogmas articles here.

The rest of the people I am following are not in the #Blogmas frenzy so let us say I have these two. Are you following any bloggers killing it in this Blogmas edition and you share with me?

The most romantic thing that has ever happened to me

I laughed, smiled, and shook my head on this part as I do not know what to write or where to begin.

Can we please postpone this to the next Blogmas?

If I……………….., I would…………..

I grew up without my father really present in our lives as he should have. No blame apportioned but IF I COULD CHANGE BACK TIME, I WOULD WANT HIM TO BE MORE PRESENT.

My darling father went to be with the Lord in 2018 but I vividly count the days he was in our lives. If only parents knew the impact of presence in a child’s life, a lot would change. I pray to God every day to do the very best for my children.


I am so glad this day is a freestyle. As we enter into Christmas, something made my cheeks hurt from smiling yesterday. I subscribe to a community of writers called the Afrobloggers and this is a place that has given me the opportunity to meet some of the most talented creatives. Among us is a very intelligent, awesome, heart warmed individual, revolutionary lawyer, writer, and a prisoner of Hope as he often says. He gets along with everyone, a “fighter”- a stroke survivor to mention but a few. As a Ugandan Chapter, many of us had not met face to face before although we were in each other’s space for more than a year. When the chance availed itself for us to share an early Christmas with the old man himself, we hopped on it and if I tell you it was the best thing to close the year, you will not believe me. You can never underestimate the value of relational capital. The pictures will tell the rest of the story.


Vulnerability for me has never been comfortable, is it for anyone though? Sometimes life just throws it at us and tests every little strength in us. In the hit of the moment you feel the world closing in on you, your purpose for life greatly shaken and unless you have a strong support system, you crumble.

This happened to me this year. I tasted the bitter cup of betrayal and it broke me into a million pieces. It took Grace to get out of the pit I had been thrown. My support system was tried and tested.

The 5 key lessons I learned however are;

  • Lesson 1; Whatever you are going through, the world doesn’t stop moving so the faster you pick up yourself, the better for you.
  • Lesson 2; Your emotions even to God at that moment are valid. Do the most but let them out. That is a form of prayer.
  • Lesson 3; Sometimes you don’t need the answers, things happen and no one owes you an explanation. Even when it doesn’t make sense.
  • Lesson 4; Your support system is very important. Their brains are of more use than yours
  • Lesson 5; Healing takes time, be kind to yourself.

The best thing that happened this year

Differently Abled Nutrition

Finally getting my book published has got to be the best thing that happened this year. Feel free to call me the author. I wrote a book titled DIFFERENTLY ABLED NUTRITION, a book for parents and guardians who have a disability that affects feeding as well as children below the age of five. This was a 2020 project that had me going back and forth, spending money and everything in between. Seeing this project come to completion was a major win. Please feel free to purchase a copy here.

As Christmas approaches, be kind to yourself and to your neighbor. Let us chat in the comment section.


Blogmas 8,9,10,11,12 &13

What really is Christmas?

Christmas is many things to a lot of us but to me, it is an excuse for a holiday, a break from work, and being with family. (Truth is I am with them all the time but this is different)

I also love to see how Christmas shapes the entire universe, a believer in the birth of Jesus or not alike. Almost everything comes to a standstill world over. Old customs come alive, Christmas ornaments, artifacts, and songs are dusted and they show up. The days leading to Christmas are a beehive of activity and then the days after are slow and fast at the same time. We tend to lose track of time and days during this period because Monday looks like Friday and Friday feels like Sunday. These days are special. That week feels like it will last a lifetime but speeds away like thunder. Christmas is special.

The Day I…………

On this day I am meant to give my readers something juicy but it feels like I have given it all in all the writes I have published that my brain has failed to find anything worthy of this section. So let us just say that I have failed for this one or maybe to be fair, you may want to take a stroll in this park and catch on something you may deem worthy.

If you would like a snippet on the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me so far, please be my guest here.

Is a tree necessary for Christmas?

My pre-teen self would be jumping in the air in agreement just like a new dress being a pre-requisite for Christmas because why not? This is the only thing to me at that time that signaled the arrival of such a sacred moment. Like I mentioned earlier, Christmas was the decorations, new dress, and the tree.

Now as an adult, there is a lot to think about other than the tree or new dress for Christmas but the memories of old are still cherished. Our last born is a fully-fledged adult now so the hype, especially for the tree, has gone down but the tree goes up whenever there is one who has the energy to put it up.

The promise I made is to see that my ‘tired’ self does not rob the young ones of this opportunity. So whenever the little ones are around, the tree has to go up, new outfits have to be bought (for them especially) and then the food is a constant. These memories have to be kept alive, please.

Best Christmas Books I have read

I will be honest with this one, never have I had the opportunity to read a Christmas book, but if the Bible counts, then sure, it is the Best and only book I have read.

The Christmas Story in the Bible - The Birth of Jesus - Open for Christmas

My favorite memory of Christmas

So as a family we had this culture of taking pictures every after mass on Sunday. So remember new dresses would be worn on Christmas and we just could not wait for the mass to get finished. The lines were always long but we cheerfully waited each time for the photographer (Katumba) to do the honors. The pictures always took an eternity to return but that did not matter. That day was special. Thereafter, the next activity was my least favorite as we would have to do a lot of chores to get the Christmas lunch on the table which would be ready by 3 pm.

That day had so many artists making their debuts all over and some Christmas days we would be lucky enough to tag along with our parents and go watch the late Paul Kafeero in the Community Hall. It was always him because that is what my parents liked and watched.

Come to think about it, can parents dare to take their children to concerts anymore, aside from live band?

An embarrassing memory for Christmas

This has no registry in my book of life. I cannot remember any at least. I am sorry to disappoint.

I will close this at this point before I get all boring. To my dear readers, I have run out of excuses for this Blogmas edition. The content has come in slower than expected but like I promised I will make sure I finish what I started. We are not quitters here.

Please feel free to share with me in the comments what it looks like in your world for all the topics I have written about. We are doing this together. Let us meet in the comment section and in the next Blogmas edition

Thank you for reading.


Is a tree necessary for Christmas

When I saw this Blogmas prompt, it got me thinking, is it really necessary? I have never so much about it. Whether we have it or not, I will still enjoy Christmas. But I was curious to find out its origin, maybe I could reconsider my position. Let us learn together.

What is a Christmas tree?

According to Wikipedia, A Christmas tree is a decorated tree, usually, an evergreen conifer such as spruce, pine, or fir, or an artificial tree with a similar appearance. The tree was traditionally decorated with “roses made of colored paper, apples, wafers, cotton wool. As times moved on, this has transitioned to the trees being illuminated with Christmas lights and there is now a variety of traditional and modern ornaments like garlands, angels stars, ribbons, chocolate to mention but a few.  

History of the Christmas tree

The Real History of Christmas Trees | Time

I have come to learn that long before the advent of Christianity, plants and trees that remained green all year had a special meaning for people. Ancient people often hung evergreen boughs over their doors and windows with the belief that evergreens would keep away witches, ghosts, evil spirits, and illness.

Germany is credited for the origin of the Christmas tree tradition as devout Christians brought decorated trees into their homes. Some built Christmas pyramids of wood and decorated them with evergreens and candles if the wood was scarce. Some sources believe that in the 16th-century Protestant reformer, Martin Luther first added lighted candles to a tree. Walking toward his home one winter evening, composing a sermon, he was awed by the brilliance of stars twinkling amidst evergreens. To recapture the scene for his family, he erected a tree in the main room and wired its branches with lighted candles.

Meaning and significance of a Christmas tree

In Christianity, the Christmas tree is symbolic of the birth of Jesus Christ. The tree’s branches and shrubs are viewed as an emblem of immortality and are said to symbolize the crown of thorns worn by Christ on the cross.

Among the Romans, evergreen trees are held as solar symbolism in the Roman culture. The trees were a testimony of light to the Romans. They celebrated the festival of Saturnalia to honor Saturn– the God of agriculture. To mark the occasion, Roman people decorated their homes and temples with evergreen boughs. Among the Greeks, the coniferous pine was sacred to Attis, the Greek God for flora– the world of vegetation. In the Greek tradition, pine was furnished with silver adornments, and bells and offerings were placed under the tree as sacrifices to the deities.

In Africa, I guess we borrowed from these cultures and more. That being said, with or without a Christmas tree, Christmas I will celebrate and enjoy.

What is it like for you?


Blogmas Day 4,5,6,7

Honestly, no one ever prepares you for adulthood, that one can plan and things turn out different. As I started this #BlogmasEdition I promised to be in your faces every single day for 25 days up to Christmas and as we can tell already, I have failed you. But when we fail, we stand up, dust ourselves and continue the journey. The promise I will make is that content for the 25 days will be served, this content coming in every day is what I cannot guarantee anymore. So can we catch up at least and pay this debt? We left off on day 3, so we will continue with Day 4

Throwback to Christmas

My memory for last Christmas is really hazy because a lot of things happened shortly after that Christmas and killed everything for me. But let me try. I remember that Christmas was in the middle of a pandemic, at the height of messy campaigns and my brother had been recently married. As usual, I was at my mother’s and for the first time for Christmas, it was just me and mum. My 2 brothers did not come home this time around so it was new. We went to church, cooked, had our meal (a lot of food as always), had conversations here and there, and that was it. I remember being very lazy to send out individual Christmas messages to friends and family. Shortly after mum broke her leg, a friend of mine died, things were really messed. So that was what happened. Santa better passes by this year with better tidings.

Never have I ever

This is a popular game and a fun one too, best played with drinks. The aim is to loosen up a crowd and get them to be a little more comfortable with one another. The questions range from the simple ones to the harder ones that can get personal. If the question is true, I will take a shot. If it is not the other person takes the shot. So let us try and see how far I can go. Regard this as a virtual edition

  • Never have I ever got a tattoo (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever stood someone up on a date (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever had a speeding ticket (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever ghosted someone’s texts (My shot)
  • Never have I ever lied to get out of going to work (My shot)
  • Never have I ever given a fake name (My shot)
  • Never have I ever dumped someone over text (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever been sick on public transport (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever been thrown out of a bar or club (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever gone skinny dipping (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever gone out with a friend’s ex (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight (My shot)
  • Never have I ever said ‘I love you’ when I didn’t mean it (My shot)
  • Never have I ever been mugged (My shot)
  • Never have I ever broken a bone (My shot)
  • Never have I ever lied about leaving the club early (My shot)
  • Never have I ever dropped my phone in a toilet (My shot)
  • Never have I ever run out on a meal without paying (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever Googled my own name (My shot)
  • Never have I ever forgotten where I parked my car (My shot)
  • Never have I ever fancied a friend’s parent (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever kissed more than one person in one day (Your shot)
  • Never have I ever had to hide a love bite (My shot)

Let us stop there, We should be over my limit already, these shots are too many although you can share with me what surprises you the most.

5 movies to watch to get you Christmasy

I am the wrong one for this, if I thought so hard all that comes to mind is Home Alone and mark you this is because we always watched this one while growing up. Otherwise on Christmas many times the time flies so fast and we end up watching nothing. Let me refer you to my friend Joy for the movies to watch. I will also be trying out this time and I will surely update you.

Amazon.com: Home Alone : Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, John  Heard, Roberts Blossom, Catherine O'Hara, Angela Goethals, Devin Ratray,  Gerry Bamman, Hillary Wolf, John Candy, Larry Hankin, Julio Macat, Chris  Columbus,

Favorite Christmas Carols

This is one of my favorites because I love to listen to the Christmas Carols, I will share many of these.

Death robbed us of Philly Lutaya but his legacy lives on through his songs
Taya’s vocals are incredibly beautiful. You will throw nursery rhymes and her vocals will do them justice. I love this song even more with her vocals
This has all the songs we grew up to. I always smile listening to these
I love this song because it feels like a blend of the new music genre and the old and it blended so well. The lyrics are rich too with the reality of what is happening in our modern times.

Let us meet tomorrow, God willing