December is a happy month for so many of us including me, mostly because of Christmas or should I say holidays, but also because the year is ending. I won’t lie that this year has not been easy for many of us but there is always a silver lining on every cloud.
So this is me trying to be hyped for this season and would like to take you along so we are going to be in each other’s faces for the next 25 days. There is this thing called Blogmas. Honestly, I was more familiar with Vlogmas, something YouTubers do every Christmas season where they create content for their viewers for 25 days starting on 1st December till Christmas. Now that I know that it is legal for bloggers too to have ours, I could not resist.
What is Blogmas?
Blogmas is a season in December where bloggers make blog posts daily from the 1st December till the 25th sharing Christmas content and everything in between. This is what we will do on here. Technically this should have been sent out yesterday which was 1st December but life was happening to me and the day went by. I will put out 2 posts today at least to catch up.
Let us be jolly as the season to be is here. Should you have something you would want me to write about, (Christmas Content), please be sure to put it in the comment section and I will gladly oblige.
Tis’ the season to be jolly, so let us have a badass Blogmas
For the first time I will open up about a time that was really dark in my life, a few years ago. It was about the time I was beginning to taste the waters of work life. Given that I had become independent in my year two at university, I had bills to pay so work for me was not for trying out but it was needed. The person I was working for (God bless him) was not the best of payers. We struggled to be paid and it was very frustrating and before we knew it he was temporarily put out of business which meant that I was out of work for an indefinite period. During this time, my mother was really sick adding to the frustration I already had. I would barely get what to eat and I did not mind as long as I got money to pay my landlord. I would cry myself to sleep not knowing how tomorrow would be. Neither my family nor friends knew and somehow I managed not to isolate myself. So the time I would walk out of my house, I would lock my sorrow in there, wear a big smile only to pick it up on my return. Did I mention I had been brutally betrayed by this time so basically I was moving in a dark allay. I prayed or thought I was praying but complained a lot. One day as I drenched my pillow with tears, I felt something say to me, for how long are you going to keep like this? (I believe it was God speaking to me). If you cry and lay here what is going to change? The voice continued. And as if scales were falling from my eyes, I saw how ‘foolish’ I was. From that moment I decided to be intentionally happy despite what is going in my life at that moment and find a solution instead on burying my head in the sand. Not pretend to be happy but to be genuine to myself. So rarely will you find me not happy. That being said, here are the things that make me genuinely happy.
I serve in ministry at church and as a leader in different groups I am a part of. I sing with the Blessed Women of Faith and Christ the King worship team. This fulfills me in ways I cannot exhaust or put in words. The praise and worship ministry in all churches I believe is one of the most demanding ministries. One has to put off time to continuously rehearse the songs to be sung as well as minister time and again. not only that but your personal life is put in a spot where you get to be judged very easily. I love everything that comes with it regardless.
When it comes to leadership, I love to organise things all the time and this comes with the role. Many times it is thorny but very rewarding. When an event is pulled off or a particular assignment under my leadership, nothing makes me happier. I love to serve as a leader.
I bet you did not think that I would forget this one. It is very funny that my food choices are very limited yet still food will make me happy. First and foremost, I don’t like most of the common food options we have including, wheat based products, pastas, posho, maize, cassava to mention but a few. This leaves just a few choices for me to eat, porridge being a constant. But the few ones left bring me a lot of joy and I am one the people who gets really excited while I cook a particular food that I am going to eat. Food really makes me happy.
Taking pictures
I probably tell myself how good I look more than anyone will ever do. I love to take pictures of myself, make funny faces as I laugh at my madness and then scroll through the pictures. A camera makes me happy. I am not very confident to keep asking people to take pictures of me but I have mastered how to make use of my Samsung self timers and one will think I have a personal photographer on the go.
From the time I was little I have been attracted to young children especially those who are 3 years and below. I love to be with children, feed them, play and dance with them and thankfully my career deals a lot with children. I do not know why I have ‘sleeping’ hands though but for children who are little, once I hold them, for some reason they fall asleep. But anyhow, I love children. They make me so happy.
The thing I love the most about travelling is most probably the packing process and the voyage in itself. I love to see different places as we drive. It is always fun when the music blares in the car as different bites and conversations brewing laughter keep making rounds. Seeing people slide off their seats as they dose also makes the journeys a lot more fun and finally the pictures taken in the middle of the roads. I love to travel
Family and friends
Finally nothing beats it for me like being in the company of family and very good true friends. Whatever it is that is being done, even just laying on a mat makes my heart glow. It is so heart warming to know that you have people in your corner. These people will make me happy any day any time.
As we complete this challenge I cannot believe they have been 21 days already. I did not add that writing makes me happy because it should be very evident by now. For everyone who has been glued to my website with some personally reaching me when I delay to put out a piece, I am indented to you. To my friend Ms. Murriel Atai Aloka who pushed me to join this challenge, there is no way I cannot thank you. These are the people who keep cheering us on day in and day out. Finally to everyone out there blessed with a writing muscle thank you for exercising it, not forgetting the Uganda Blogging Community that gave us this opportunity.
Please do not stop supporting young talent and I for one, I welcome all kinds of constructive criticism and be tuned on here for more amazing pieces of information especially for nutrition. After this we are doing a food cultural tour and we are going to see the different foods we have in our cultures and the interesting stories that surround their preparation and significance.
While having a heated conversation with a friend of mine days ago (I really don’t recall what we were talking about) he asked me something that got my mind racing.
“Is there a time you are not okay Lutgard? You are always smiling, do you get annoyed?”
Now at that moment I went mute like for 30 seconds, my mind racing in reverse thinking of the many times I do get annoyed in a single day. (Of course they are there) Who doesn’t get annoyed or disappointed any way? To quickly rub off the awkward silence, I reminded him of times he had witnessed my temper flare. We laughed and he said ‘I know but this doesn’t take a lot of time and you are already teething (Oh yes! he said teething)
I need to confess this was a decision I made to keep smiling always no matter what is going on, and how life is messed up in that moment.
I remember making this decision sometime when I was at rock bottom. Times when I believed my world was falling apart. (I say believed because looking back it was the natural course of life happening) This is a time I would lock myself in my house and cry myself to sleep, didn’t want or didn’t have the energy to talk to God or anyone but continually wished things would miraculously be different, and guess what they never did. Or maybe they did and I was too grief stricken to even notice.
So when I was tired of being tired, I stood up, dusted myself and walked back to reality. (Do you remember that famous story in the bible about the prodigal son, who came to his senses and went back home? I was that boy at that moment.) I made some hard but important decisions and among them was, I cannot have time to get annoyed. Its too much work you can agree with me right? Again I need to be clear here, I am not saying you will not get angry, disappointed, discouraged name it; of course you will but the degree of effect will be significantly different.
Pete Greig in his book, GOD ON MUTE says that it is very important to pray for the ‘stupid’ things too like getting that space in the parking lot rather than seeking God for only the big shots like getting that job slot. In that way we learn to be grateful for the tinniest of things happening around us.
Now someone will ask me how easy is this for a mother who has just lost her pregnancy in the 8th month or at birth, a girl who has been abused countless times by his own father, you can name the worst case scenario. I will tell you, I don’t how this will happen for this case other than praying for God’s grace but I will tell you for sure that when you deliberately choose something and pray for strength it happens almost unconsciously.
When my dad passed even after hoping the lord would listen and answer my (our) prayer to heal him and let him live to walk me down the aisle, he chose to answer with a sweet No. I had reasons to throw my happiness away, question God why He wouldn’t answer my prayer (according to my will of course) but I chose to be thankful for the manner in which he died.
Life is a bitch I will tell you but God is good. But the most important lesson of all I have learnt is the way life is lived is a decision made…..
What is the term given to the time where one seems to be working in an overdrive but will not stop? I have failed to find a term for it yet it seems one of those times I am in currently.
I recently did a personality check and found out that I am a CONSUL. According to, this personality trait makes up twelve percent of the total population in the world. This is what they went on to describe; ‘In high school, Consuls are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame. Later in life, Consuls continue to enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing social gatherings and doing their best to make sure everyone is happy.’ For the record this is the best description I have found of who exactly I know myself as.
As I sat in my second leadership class at Harvest Institute, the facilitator of the day, who is the reason I took this personality test kept describing himself and how his personality had an impact on his life and health. As he explained himself being an overly ambitious human, who at one point struggled to say no to any challenge and task or say help, I kept seeing myself through him. My neighbor who also doubles as my longtime friend just could not stop laughing at me and all I could do is hang my head low as I muffled at ‘how loud’ the facilitator was getting. The facilitator told us of a time not long a go when he jokingly branched off to a physician to run some tests, not because he was sick (after all he was in ‘perfect health’), but to pass sometime as the heavy jam subsidized. To his shock, his health was a ticking bomb yet no red flags had been hoisted. He was put on a rigorous intervention that included medication as well as diets and exercises. But the doctor literally yelled at him to SLOW DOWN!!!
This led me to check through myself, I run to the computer and quickly took the test. Here is what you did not know about Consuls. You may want to find out what your personality trait is
Strong Practical Skills — Consuls are excellent managers of day-to-day tasks and routine maintenance, enjoying making sure that those who are close to them are well cared for.
Strong Sense of Duty — People with the Consul personality type have a strong sense of responsibility and strive to meet their obligations, though this may sometimes be more from a sense of social expectations than intrinsic drive.
Very Loyal — Valuing stability and security very highly, Consuls are eager to preserve the status quo, which makes them extremely loyal and trustworthy partners and employees. Consuls are true pillars of any groups they belong to — whether it is their family or a community club, people with this personality type can always be relied upon.
Sensitive and Warm — Helping to ensure that stability, Consul personalities seek harmony and care deeply about other people’s feelings, being careful not to offend or hurt anybody. Consuls are strong team players, and win-win situations are the stuff smiles are made of.
Good at Connecting with Others — These qualities come together to make Consuls social, comfortable and well-liked. Consul personalities have a strong need to “belong”, and have no problem with small talk or following social cues in order to help them take an active role in their communities.
Worried about Their Social Status — These Strengths are related to a chief Weakness: Consuls’ preoccupation with social status and influence, which affects many decisions they make, potentially limiting their creativity and open-mindedness.
Inflexible — Consuls place a lot of importance on what is socially acceptable, and can be very cautious, even critical of anything unconventional or outside the mainstream. People with this personality type may also sometimes push their own beliefs too hard in an effort to establish them as mainstream.
Reluctant to Innovate or Improvise — Just as they can be critical of others’ “unusual” behavior, Consuls may also be unwilling to step out of their own comfort zones, usually for fear of being (or just appearing) different.
Vulnerable to Criticism — It can be especially challenging to change these tendencies because Consuls are so conflict-averse. Consul personalities can become very defensive and hurt if someone, especially a person close to them, criticizes their habits, beliefs or traditions.
Often Too Needy — Consuls need to hear and see a great deal of appreciation. If their efforts go unnoticed, people with the Consul personality type may start fishing for compliments, in an attempt to get reassurance of how much they are valued.
Too Selfless — The other side of this is that Consuls sometimes try to establish their value with doting attention, something that can quickly overwhelm those who don’t need it, making it ultimately unwelcome. Furthermore, Consuls often neglect their own needs in the process.
I cannot say that I agree to every one of the strength and weaknesses mentioned here, some I have naturally evolved and modified but needless to say, on the whole that is who I am
In conclusion few personality types are as practical and caring as Consuls. We are known for our social and administrative skills, Consuls are good at creating and maintaining a secure, stable and friendly environment for themselves and their loved ones. Consuls’ dedication is invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth.
Yet Consuls can be easily tripped up in areas where their kindness and practical approach are more of a liability than an asset. Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, learning to relax or improvise, reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder, or managing their workload, Consuls need to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills.
I have some (or say alot) of work to get this together. Find out your personality trait today and you could explain the reason for some of the things that you are doing and or experiencing.