It is not like me to write very long blogs but let us face it, 10 years is not a short time and what I will have accomplished in that time is quite alot. So I write this as though I were in 2030 already. Enjoy #Day 15 of #UgBlogMonth
I write this sitting in my office chair here on Muyenga hill. From my office window, I get to see the magnificent city of Kampala and this has served as my inspiration recipe for so long. I tell you sometimes I look at this office and I cannot believe what it has turned out to be. Not to brag but it is world class, it was crafted to perfection. I begin my day with mass at exactly 6:20am then head straight to office. By 7:30am I should be seated at my desk unless I have early morning engagements away from office. Oh did I mention! I now own a nutrition firm that deals in comprehensive nutrition services that target pregnant mothers and infants? It was fully registered 5 years ago in 2025 as ‘The Ugandan Nutritionist.’ It continues to grow day by day and I am happy with what it continues to look each day. I employ 5 nutritionists.
Our mission as ‘The Ugandan Nutritionist’ is to make nutrition knowledge as affordable and accessible to every Ugandan as possible. Our model is to take these services to the people other than them finding us where we are. We believe that once people are equipped with the necessary nutrition knowledge, only then can they be more receptive to the nutrition plans and interventions being proposed. They will have a better understanding of why they ought to choose a particular nutrition path than the other. We also have mentorship programs for young nutritionists. We organize nutrition camps in villages where they get to participate as they expand their expertise in this field. I am excited to inform you that we now have international collaborations too. We partnered with the Lyndi Cohen of the ‘Nude Nutritionist’; a celebrated nutritionist world over. We have an annual master class too where we train our participants in the basic nutritional practices and skills that everyone ought to know. I am sure you have heard about it because it is always televised.
I got married in 2023 and am now a proud mother of 2 children, a girl and a boy; with the 3rd baby on the way. It should be my last and I pray it is a girl. These little humans of mine are some piece of work but very amazing. At times their father feels like a baby too but I enjoy loving and looking after all of them. Even when I have my international travels which by the way have become very frequent lately, they are patient with me and very comfortable in the hands of their father. Now that my mother is aged, they love it too when they go to grannie’s big house. They can be all the things they want while there. My mother wants to always be with them and sometimes she gets mad when I take them but I also want to be with my babies. We agreed with my husband to home school my children so that we can have a grip on their moral being and so far so good. It is very hectic and tasking but I love it all the same.
We have been very rigorous on investments; my husband and I have been able to put up apartments in Kata, Kyadondo division. We did this as soon as we completed our family home in Bunga. It is now a culture for us every year to have a family vacation. At times we are joined by my family; my brothers with their families and my mother and other times it is my husband’s family. We make it a point to have the trip every year. We try to go to new places all the time though we have gone to Florida more times than anywhere else. My financial discipline continues to better each day and I can tell you my finances have continued to rise and I am so happy my family and I are financially free.
With the Magnificant community at Ntinda Parish that I have always been a part of, we continue to have yearly pilgrimages and of course the weekly fellowships which I have continued to be a part of. These together with my cell group have held me spiritually especially those times when I cannot just go on. They always remind me of my purpose as a member of Christ’s body. I always take my children as often as I can with me and I am glad that they can settle while we pray expect for the last one who is 3 years at the moment.
There is alot I have not put it here but you will soon see it for yourself.