



I remember looking at her eyes glistening with bloody tears of guilt for something she did not chooseEven without seeing it I could tell that her heart beat faster than a drummer’s handsAnd from where I was I could her the sound of hear heart “lum-dum” was deeper than the sound of a bass guitar
At her age she knew rape not as just a word spelt out in the dictionary but it was now written in her now open book for a life which was being judged by the cover and not the content in it. Pouts of mouths pointed at her in disgust, as those kind enough just gave her a cold glare at the misery of the never ending ‘Mary go round’ horror of a life she had suddenly been handed.
Her life had been turned upside down by a ravaging selfish flesh of a man who cared less about wrecking a pair of soft bones.What lies in her body for a baby will never live to see the light of day because she is only a child and cannot carry another child at that age.The disease she has no idea about will live with her till the day she sees the mouth of her grave.

Hurt, pain, bitterness, unforgiveness have all become resident in a place that was supposed to blossom with love and purity. All this has been robbed of the young soul leaving an excavation of a hole so deep that only forgiveness can fill.
You know for a long time you may be forgiving but have not taken time to learn how to forgive. Pain is fleeting and can manage to make a concoction of a cocktail that tales cannot untangle. Hurt has the tendency of taking the deepest corner in the heart and take charge of your heart forever.
Pain is something you have BUT hurt is something you are. Hurt wears a mask of anger, the reason for actions and decisions we cannot explain. The whistle that blows louder than a crushing train that will turn a father into a medalist boxer and a mother into a careless pair of bones.
You will not know how hard forgiving is until you look at unforgiveness square right into the eyes. (Imagine this young girl )Neither will you be able to learn how to forgive unless you bend those hinges on your knees to ask that heavenly father you cannot see but only feel for a little help.
Remember this; Unforgiveness is like renting out your heart rent free and you stay out of your own home. We pray for the grace to learn how to forgive. 


Do not weep for me child

On the streets of man I will walk
Look out for faithful men, lowly of hearts to be my disciples
With them I will teach, heal and perform miracles
Dine & sleep with them shall I
Yet from them will I be denied &betrayed
But you need not weep for me child.

For 30 silver pieces I will be dragged off the plains of Gethsemane
Before Pilate & Herod shall be paraded and accused falsely
To appease the crowd, Pilate will have me scourged
Chunks of flesh will rip off my body as specks of thorns sip through my brain
Still you need not weep for me child

A heavy cross will be thrown on my sore back
As the soldiers whip my tired bones
The sounds of the spiked weep will run through your ears as the heavy sound of my countless falls will burst through your chest.
You need not weep for me child because there will I be paying the guilt of your sun,  every one of them, every hatred, every sickness, every pain; there on the rugged cross will I be paying them.
Know I have loved and you need not to weep for me.


If you must weep, truly must
Weep then for your selves & your children
For injustice &hatred, violence &lustful thoughts, addiction,  shame. Look to the cross and let it all go because a time will come when you will say to mountains ‘fall upon us’ & to the hills cover us!
Because on the cross all the debts will be paid.
This is the end of the curse, the demise of the serpent.
This is it. It is FINISHED.

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Proud to be Catholic

St Paul writing to the Galatians in Chapter 6 verses 14 says; “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”

World over this 26th day of February 2020 marks the beginning of the lent period in the Catholic church. A time for serious, disciplined self-examination, a time spent in intensive prayer and repentance before the cross of Calvary. Not that these things do not and should not happen all the days of our lives but the church with divine wisdom sets apart this time as a reminder for perhaps something that has been forgotten or watered down. It is a time for preparation for the celebration of the risen Lord on Easter.

This day is popularly known as ASH WEDNESDAY and one of the most significant things that happen on this day aside the celebration of mass is the administration of ashes on the forehead of every christian. This always reminds me of the book of Ezekiel, Chapter 9:3–6 where he writes “The glory of the God of Israel rose from above the winged creature where it had been, towards the threshold of the Temple. He called to the man dressed in linen with a scribe’s ink-horn in his belt and Yahweh said to him, ‘Go all through the city, all through Jerusalem, and mark a cross on the foreheads of all who grieve and lament over all the loathsome practices in it.’ I heard him say to the others, ‘Follow him through the city and strike. Not one glance of pity; show no mercy; old men, young men, girls, children, women, kill and exterminate them all. But do not touch anyone with a cross on his forehead. Begin at my sanctuary.’ So they began with the old men who were in the Temple.” As I moved to work and I saw all these people walking with their foreheads marked it brought me immense joy that I cannot begin to explain. Just the thought of identifying someone who understands this season and time was a sweet balm on my heart.

As the priest marks one’s fore head, he says the following words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” This mark is a visible symbol of penance. This calls me to humility and is a constant reminder for me that I am mere dust. It is only prudent to treat my neighbor in a manner I want to be treated. Like dust, my life can be out in a blink of an eye regardless of what I have or look like. The things of this world that seem so important and precious will one day be no more, they will not matter at all. What a reality check that each of us needs time and again!

The first reading today was taken from Joel 2:12–18, He urged us to tear not our garments but our hearts and come back to God for he is compassionate; which spells out the gist of the season, a time to seek repentance, like the prodigal son to come back to our senses and return to the father’s house. The gospel reading from Matthew 6:1–6, 16–18 gave us guidelines on how to fast and the major highlight for me is to have reason and purpose as I pray and fast in this season. Not because it is the season or to show off to anyone but a time to get closer to my savior like never before. Not forgetting the 3 major pillars of this season which is PRAYER, FAST, ALMS GIVING.

Catholics have been accused of being too traditional and conservative but I tell you the seasons that the church put in place remind us of these important aspects of our spiritual livelihood that we may perhaps have missed if the seasons were not in place. It makes me so happy to be a part of the universal church. I love my Catholicism and I can confidently say, I AM PROUD TO BE CATHOLIC

I wish you a fruitful lent period, a season of stretch.


Excuse Me!!!

Zach Hendrix the Co-founder, GreenPal quoted this; “Listen to your customers or you will have none”

I was coming from a long meeting yesterday, very exhausted and quite hungry. My brain convinced me that I could not make it home with this hunger and more so hold it until I prepared a meal. So we agreed for a quicker solution and that being finding a food service provider to deal with my apparent problem. Food and I have a very intimate relationship and I like to believe this is so for everyone.

I was in Ntinda (this is a place here in Kampala, Uganda) and I chose to go to the nearest restaurant that I could find. This is about 19:00 hrs in the evening. I was with a friend and when we got in, the place was sparsely occupied, about 3 people were seated having the meal. We entered and chose to sit at the very end of the room. It looked the most comfortable of all the places in the restaurant. So we take our seats and I was very sure the waitresses would come and welcome us and take our orders. Five minutes into our arrival no one seemed bothered. (Mark you these ‘girls’, the waitresses were freely having their conservation about God knows what) Since I was the one in need I decided to beckon on one of the girls to come and take our order. She drags her feet and comes through. She takes our orders and I should say the food came quicker than I had anticipated, given the first impression we got. The quality of the food was not best but that is a story for another day.

When we finished eating, again I had to call out the waitress to get us our bill. At this time I am really irritated at the quality of service we are receiving. When the bill came back it was a receipt belonging to someone else but the cashier thought it wise to write my bill at the back. At this point I am confused at what is happening. So I call the waitress who at this point had walked off to somewhere better than being by our side. On inquiring what was going on, whether receipt slips were over, she belts “The receipts are done and that is what we do” I was in utter shock. She walked off again!!!!!! I was really disappointed at this point in time, and I chose to share this with the world.

Most of the time businesses do not die because of bad products but because of a poor service. Many businesses if not all survive off a referrals, but if someone is to receive this kind of treatment, why wouldn’t the business die. Many of the business proprietors do not take time to see what is going on in their business for as along as money is trickling in. We do not take time to invest in training our employees and at the end of the day all you are served with is a bad review. There is a reason as to why many Ugandans, flock places like Cafe Javas, it may not necessarily be because of the food, but when I go somewhere where I am treated like royalty, be sure I will be a constant guest.

Invest in your business, not only in the money but also in human resource