
2020 through the lens of a creative

Creatives week; Day 1

I belong to a writing family called Afrobloggers who seek to impart storytelling knowledge and skills to African bloggers through webinars, workshops, and tutorials and once again this year they are doing this through organizing a writing challenge for the family.

If there is a challenge that I was reluctant to participate in this year was #WinterABC2021 partly because I have been on a writing sabbatical for close to a month now. (the reasons for the sabbatical will be a story for another day) Thankfully unlike the previous years where the writing challenge had a daily topic, this time we have themed weeks. This is in a bid to align the topics with the site objective which I thought was very wise, so all I have to do is to adopt the theme, create content that aligns with my site and let my readers enjoy away.

Starting off this day, we will be taking down memory lane to the uneventful past year 2020 as a creative. Is it only me who has seen a sudden influx with the use of the term creatives? The other day I was scrolling through twitter when I saw an advertisement for “creatives weekend” and looks like being a creative is the new post COVID slogan. With the entrance of COVID19 in 2020, many people have had to become more creative with their time to remain afloat. So who exactly is a creative you may be wondering.

To understand who a creative is, let us understand that creativity refers to the act of creating new things. It’s innovative, mind-blowing and fresh yet relaxing so I want to believe everyone has the capacity to be a creative. Real creativity in any space requires vulnerability and sensitivity. Talking about the past year 2020 where everything changed very unexpectedly, we are attempting to see what it was like for many creatives.

A blessing in disguise

In the wake of the outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic, many governments world over imposed periods of lockdown and here in Uganda, it was not any different. On March 18th 2020 a countrywide lockdown was imposed as a measure of curbing down the spread of COVID19 to reduce the pressure on the healthcare system which is already wobbling. This period was strange for everyone. It indiscriminately had an unprecedented impact on social lives and many had to find a way of managing the situation at hand. A lot of the negative effects for this period have been pointed out but with these came some positives. Follow with me as I point 2 that stood out for me;

  1. Uncertainty

Much as this period came with uncertainty which often comes along with it stress and anxiety, for creatives this served as a catalyst believe you me. This was in abid of making sense of the situation and trying to cope with the uncertainty. Every many people discovered skills they did not know that they had. Content creators shot up in arguably the shortest time ever recorded in the world. I for one, much as I was still actively employed, I was working from home which only meant that there was more time on my hands than before hence lighting my creative fire which got me to read and write more. A total of 57 articles were written in 2020 alone, something which probably would not have happened if it were not the ‘downtime’ that was made possible by COVID19

2. Solitude

With lockdown measures heightened, we were not able to leave our homes except for a few meters around the home maybe, could not meet family and friends, workplaces had changed addresses to virtual avenue so we could not even meet workmates came with it solitude. Solitude has for long been a bed for creativity to be birthed. I know many creatives who often say I need time alone to ‘create my baby’, now we had more than enough time of solitude to create. So many songs were written, books authored, art pieces drawn, careers redirected and birthed thanks to the uninvited periods of solitude that we were given. I was able to finally take a chance on being an author myself being able to write a book on nutrition for the differently abled children called Differently Abled Nutrition that will be on the market anytime now.

What blessing in disguise stood out for you during this period? It surely can’t be all bad.

Let us start off the #WinterABC on lemonade we made when life handed us lemons.

Let the games begin

The Eating disorder that has nothing to do with food – PICA

It was the smell of the clay for me that held me captive for so long. Was I pregnant? Oh not all. Did I know its effects? Of course. I remember my supplier of the clay blocks, some elderly lady finally finding her voice and managing to ask me why my stomach was not increasing in size for all this long (She believed I was expecting). This is when it dawned on that I had taken this dirt for so long and I began to worry for my appendix. It should be working overtime collecting all the small stones from the clay as my body struggles to digest this non food delicacy of mine so I reasoned. Given my knowledge in nutrition, I knew that my body was signaling something, a deficiency of some sort and as anticipated my iron levels were wanting when I finally took the blood test. It could have been worse if I had not given myself a self check thanks to my curious clay distributor but what happens to someone who has no idea that it is a problem or has become so addicted to it that they don’t even realize it is eating them away.

I once read an article of a girl who was addicted to eating hair and had to undergo surgery and guess what! a hair ball as big as a melon was removed. This was after the parents noticed a drastic weight loss in the girl as the hair in her system made it impossible for her to eat and she kept throwing up. (https://www.deccanchronicle.com/lifestyle/health-and-wellbeing/130717/melon-sized-hairball-removed-from-stomach-of-girl-addicted-to-eating-hair.html) This is how bad this habit or say disorder can get and this disorder has a name, Pica

Hair ball that was removed from the girl who was addicted to eating hair. – Internet picture

Bulimia and anorexia nervosa are the eating disorders that have been talked about the most and I still wonder why pica has not received the required attention it so deserved given its dire effects. So let us explore a little what pica is.

What is Pica

Pica is an eating disorder in which a person eats things that are not usually considered as food. These people compulsively eat items that have no nutritional value like dirt, clay, rocks, paper, ice, hair, paint chips, chalk and even feces (poop). This disorder is most often in children and pregnant women although it’s usually temporary for them, however we have other people with this disorder that are addicted and are struggling with it.

Talking about what causes pica, it is said that in some cases, a deficiency in iron, zinc, or another nutrient can be associated with pica. For instance anemia, usually from iron deficiency, has been known to be the underlying cause of pica in pregnant women (in some cultures it is a common practice for pregnant women to eat clay and some even go further to put medicinal herbs for them in clay to ingest throughout the pregnancy period). So your unusual cravings may be a sign that your body is trying to replenish low nutrient levels reason for you to find out.

People with certain mental health conditions like schizophrenia ( A disorder that affects a person’s ability to think, feel and behave clearly) and obsessive compulsive disorder ( A disorder is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead to compulsive behaviors) can adopt pica as a coping mechanism. Some people may even enjoy and crave the textures or flavors of certain nonfood items. I have been with quite a number of people who are obsessed the smell of soil as it begins to rain.

Signs and symptoms

This is the condition where no laboratory are done to diagnose but instead, the diagnosis is made from a clinical history of the patient although this diagnosis is accompanied by tests for anemia, potential intestinal blockages, and toxic side effects of the substances consumed for example lead in pencils, paint or crayons, bacteria and parasites from dirt or stones from the rocks. These are the signs and symptoms to look out for.

  • There is persistent eating, over a period of at least one month, of substances that are not food and do not provide nutritional value.
  • The ingestion of a substance(s) that is not a part of culturally supported or socially normative practice for instance there are some cultures that promote eating clay as part of a medicinal practice.
  • Typical substances ingested tend to vary with age and availability. These may include paper, soap, cloth, hair, string, wool, soil, chalk, talcum powder, paint, gum, metal, pebbles, charcoal, ash, clay, starch, or ice. 
  • The eating of these substances must be developmentally inappropriate. In children under the age of two years, mouthing objects or putting small objects in their mouth is a normal part of development which allows the child to explore their senses. Mouthing may sometimes result in ingestion so this can not be categorized as pica.
  • Last but not least, those with pica are not averse to ingesting food. 


Complications from pica typically range from posing a few health risks to life-threatening risks. Some of the complications that occur include; choking, poisoning, damaging the brain from eating lead or other harmful substances, developing ulcers, breaking teeth, gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, diarrhea and bloody stool as well as harming the digestive system like causing injuries to the throat.

What to do about Pica

Pica can occur during pregnancy, especially in women with nutrient deficits so let us begin here, women with unusual cravings during pregnancy should consult with a doctor for an iron test. It is important that pregnant women with pica resist the temptation to eat nonfood items as this could have harmful effects to the ‘bun’ in the oven. Finding distractions, such as chewing on something else preferably a food item, finding foods with a similar texture to eat, or doing something relaxing can be of help.

The truth is persons struggling with pica may realize that their cravings are unhealthful or unusual, but the urge to eat those nonfood items can still feel overwhelming which may cause frustrations if they are not able to act on these cravings. The right treatment is to deal with both the physical and psychological aspects of pica. Adults who come to the realization that they are struggling with pica or parents who identify this in their children are advised to consult a physician for professional help to change this behavior

Do you know someone who enjoys a behavior like what we have described? Share this with them and you could save a life.


When Milk does not choose you

Milk is a delicacy for many, it is the first meal for almost everyone from birth through breastmilk but it is sad that for some, milk does not choose them. Ever seen or heard people present with diarrhea, gas and bloating after eating or drinking dairy products? Such persons could be having a condition that we refer to as lactose intolerance.

If you are wondering why this happens to people like these, here it is. People with lactose intolerance are unable to fully digest the sugar (lactose) in milk. When milk ingested, it is broken down by an enzyme called lactase and lactose intolerant people have too little of this enzyme. During digestion, the enzyme lactase turns milk sugar (lactose) into two simple sugars (glucose and galactose) which are absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal lining to be put to use in the body. For persons deficient of this enzyme or have low levels, lactose in the food moves into the colon (large intestines) instead of being processed and absorbed. In the colon, normal bacteria interact with the undigested lactose, causing the signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance which we talk about here later.

Although one can still digest milk with low levels of lactase, having levels that are too low will lead to symptoms after you eat or drink anything dairy. The best and most common way of managing lactose intolerance is to take out diary foods from the diet although there is also another way someone with the condition can manage without having to give up all dairy foods by adding a liquid or powder of the lactase enzyme to milk to break down the lactose. The signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance usually begin from 30 minutes to two hours after eating or drinking foods that contain lactose or diary foods. The common signs and symptoms include diarrhea, bloating, stomach upsets, Nausea and at times vomiting.

We have three types of lactose intolerance. Different factors cause the lactase deficiency underlying each type and we get to dissect each one of them.

Primary Lactose Intolerance

This is the commonest type. Naturally infants are born with enough lactase and are able to digest breast milk comfortably but when this is replaced during complementary feeding the amount of lactase produced normally drops, but usually remaining high enough to digest the amount of dairy in a typical adult diet. In primary lactose intolerance, lactase production falls off sharply by adulthood, making it difficult to digest milk products.

Secondary Lactose Intolerance

In this form of lactose intolerance, it occurs when small intestine decrease lactase production after an illness, injury or surgery involving the small intestine. Diseases associated with secondary lactose intolerance may include intestinal infection, celiac disease, bacterial overgrowth and Crohn’s disease. The beauty about this one is that in most cases treatment of the underlying disorder might restore lactase levels and improve signs and symptoms, although this can take time.

Congenital or developmental lactose intolerance

This type is genetical though rare where a child is born deficient of the enzyme lactase. For this to be passed though, both the mother and the father must pass on the same gene variant for a child to be affected, a pattern of inheritance we call autosomal recessive.

So the next time you notice a pattern especially after consuming diary products, before you conclude that it is ulcers or food poisoning, you may need to check in with your doctor to rule out lactose intolerance.



Prenatal nutrition

This is a truly beautiful piece, please read this at a slow pace, digesting every word in leisure; do not hurry, this is a treasure. For those lucky to still ne blessed with your mom, this is beautiful. For those of us who aren’t, this is even more beautiful. For those who are moms, you’ll love this.

The young mother set her foot on the path of life. “Is this the long way?” she asked. And the guide said: “Yes, and the way is hard. And you will be old before you reach the end of it. But the end will be better than the beginning.” But the young mother was happy, and she wouldn’t believe that anything could be better than these years. So she played with her children, and gathered flowers for them along the way, and bathed them in the clear streams; and the sun shone on them, and the young mother cried, “Nothing will ever be lovelier than this,”

Then the night came, and the storm, and the path was dark, and the children shook with fear and cold, and the mother drew them close and covered them with her mantle, and the children said, “Mother, we are not afraid, for you are near, and no harm can come and the morning came, and there was a hill ahead, and the children climbed and grew weary, and the mother was weary. But at all times she said to the children, “A little patience and we are there.” So the children climbed, and when they reached the top they said, “Mother, we would not have done it without you” And the mother, when she lay down at night looked up at the stars and said, “This is a better day than the last, for my children have learned fortitude in the face of hardness. Yesterday I gave them courage. Today, I’ve given them strength.”

And the next day came strange clouds which darkened the earth, clouds of war and hate and evil, and the children groped and stumbled, and the mother said: “Look up. Lift your eyes to the light. “And the children looked and saw above the clouds an everlasting glory, and it guided them beyond the darkness. And that night the Mother said, “This is the best day of all, for I have shown my children God.”

And the days went on, and the weeks and the months and the years, and the mother grew old and she was little and bent. But her children were tall and strong, and walked with courage. And when the way was rough, they lifted her, for she was as light as a feather, and at last they came to a hill, and beyond they could see a shinning road and golden gates flung wide. And mother said, “I have reached the end of my journey. And now I know the end is better than the beginning, for my children can walk alone, and their children after them.” And the children said, “You will always walk with us, Mother, even when you have gone through the gates.” And they stood and watched her as she went on alone, and the gates closed after her. And they said: “We cannot see her but she is with us still. A mother like ours is more than a memory. She is a living presence.”

Your mother is always with you. She’s the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street; she’s the smell of bleach in your freshly laundered socks; she’s the cool hand on your brow when you are not well. Your mother lives inside your laughter. And she’s crystallised in every tear drop. She’s the place you came from, your first home; and she is the map you follow with every step you take.

She is your first love and your first heartbreak and nothing on earth can separate you. Not time, not space, not even death!


Body weight

One researcher said “Body weight is of physical and psychological importance and is associated with health status, physical activity, body image, and self-esteem,” (https://bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6874-4-S1-S5) and I could not agree any less.

Talking about self esteem and body image, many girls and women have this ardent desire to find that ‘perfect’ body/weight which has led them to take some bizzare measures only to cause more than good in the long run. Weight prejudice has been around for so long and this differs for different cultures. There are cultures that will promote and or advocate for one to be ‘fatter’ because it is associated with ‘good’ feeding, being or appearing wealthy and it is their way of good looking like in many parts of Africa yet other cultures like in the West will promote for slimmer sizes which puts a different kind of pressure for many. Whichever culture you subscribe to, it is important to aim at having a healthy weight that is unique to you.

What does healthy weight refer to?

Healthy weight refers to your Body Mass Index falling within a weight range that is not associated with an increased risk for weight-related diseases and health issues. What is body mass index you may ask? Body Mass Index (BMI) is determined by your height and your weight. BMI doesn’t measure body fat, but it often correlates with direct measures of body fat meaning a higher BMI tends to indicate higher body fat, and a lower BMI indicates lower body fat. Body mass index is for sure an easy way to monitor and get a general idea of a person’s body fat, but should not be used as a diagnostic tool for disease risk. Remember your BMI weight category isn’t an indicator of your overall health and being within a healthy weight range doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re healthy. Being underweight or overweight either doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re unhealthy either.

BMI weight categories

What should my body weight be?

There are a lot of concerns that arise around body weight and arguably the most question we receive as nutritionists/dieticians is around how much one should weigh? However, there is no straight answer to this and there is not one ideal healthy weight for each person, because a number of different factors play a role such as age, sex, height, muscle-fat ratio and body fat distribution, or body shape. Did you know that body weight is regulated by several mechanisms? Oh yes it is, mechanisms like genetic, physiologic, and behavioral factors. Let me give an example before I lose you, in obesity, an imbalance occurs between food intake and energy expenditure, which leads to an excess fat accumulation and negative health consequences.

How to maintain a healthy weight

Depending on where you lie right now there are things you may need to do to acquire a healthy weight. If you are overweight and obese, you may need to slash some bit of weight in order to achieve your healthy weight and if you are underweight, you may need to pile on some calories to reach your desired healthy and both these require a detailed explanation which I will put together and share with you soon or later (So be on the look out). Today let us focus on how to maintain this ideal weight. I like to believe that losing weight and or adding weight may be easier than maintaining an ideal weight. It almost feels like balancing on a thin wire and having to walk a great distance making sure you do not fall off the line. Maintaining a healthy weight not only benefits your overall health but also boosts your confidence in your appearance greatly, your self esteem and body image are greatly enhanced. So I will share some easy tips that you probably don’t even think about but could be the key to maintaining your healthy weight. Remember healthy weight is individualized and will be different for everyone even when you are members of the same family.

Tips on maintaining a healthy weight

Mind what you eat

With this you will have to pay attention to what you eat, not only in the quality of food but also the quantity of the food eaten. Portion sizes are important to avoid under or overeating. Pay attention to the nutrition facts on food labels listed on packages and make an informed choice. Make use of smaller plates and bowls as this will help you choose smaller portions at meals. Prioritize meal time and eat slowly, with focus on your meal. Listen to your body ‘s physical cues to stop eating before you feel overly full and let fruits and vegetables be a good part of your diets. Remember an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Physical exercises are your friend

Try to exercise as often as you can. This does not necessarily mean that you have to sign membership at some gym; sign up for membership if you can afford, however you can also make use of the simple exercises at home. Let the goal be to break bouts of sweat as regularly as possible. Your body weight is significantly affected by the amount of energy you take in and the amount you use. Now the secret is in striking a balance, to maintain a healthy weight, you will need to use as much energy as you consume. Find a good exercise routine that includes both cardio and strength training (luckily YouTube is littered with many of these lately). The benefits of daily exercise are more than just keeping your body weight in check; they are also for building muscle, strengthening your heart and helping your body function at its best.

Sleep Sleep Sleep

You must be wondering why sleep has appeared on this list but let me tell you, getting a good amount of sleep helps your body to reset and rejuvenate really well. In this era, it is very easy to enter your bed very early but keep on your phone only to realise that you are left with just 3 hours of sleep which is not good for your health. Make a conscious decision to have at least 7 hours of sleep each day.

Increase your water intake

Hydration is very important because the body systems require water to function seamlessly but also water is very important for maintaining a healthy weight. In addition to aiding digestion of the food you are eating, water will enable you to avoid overeating because part of your stomach will be filled with water which in turn will significantly reduce the amounts of food you consume while leaving you satisified.

Have regular medical check ups

Let us normalize the culture of having medical checkups with or without pain. Many of us only check in with a doctor when the body responds with pain whereas if we had routine medical check ups we could catch something before it gets worse. Many times radical changes in body weight are a signal of an anomaly that needs to be addressed. Arrange to have a medical checkup at least every quarter.

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and will most certainly prevent and control many diseases and conditions the reason why maintaining a healthy weight is so important. Always remember that ideal weight is not an absolute target for either appearance or health as it may not take into account factors like muscle mass or health conditions that affect weight. Check in with your dietician today and get to know what your ideal weight looks like.