Today is the 13th day of the #UgBlogMonth challenge. Task; if I had 20 minutes to be with a celebrity, who would it be and why.
First I always dread being in the presence of any celebrity because they always have a lot going on around them, too many fans, security detail, name it so I always loathe being anywhere near them.
This celebrity is one whose music and personal story I love so much. If I had just 20 minutes to spend with a celebrity, it would certainly be Travis Greene, an American gospel musician and pastor.

I can imagine death trying me twice. No not even that far, just one time is enough to shake up my whole existence, my clan and the whole family tree.
Born in 1984, Travis Greene entered into this world still-born thus declared dead. His mother called on the name of the Lord and He answered and brought her baby boy back to life. Now right at this point I can just imagine the scene in that delivery room. His mother shaking this lifeless young boy back to life as she screams the name of Jesus. Now that is a faith that is admirable.
Like that was not enough at the age of four, he fell out of the window of the family’s fourth floor apartment in Germany. Someone advised his mom that her toddler was dead and by the time she got outside a white sheet was pulled over his face. As she picked up the lifeless body of her child she called on Jesus over-and-over until he came back to life.
Through the countless interviews Travis has given, he says this transpired in the natural but in the supernatural there was an occurrence that has forever made an indelible imprint in his life. As he fell from the window a giant hand accompanied by a very bright light caught him. The voice asked, “Do you want to go with your Mom or do you want to come home with me?” Four-year-old Travis answered, “I want my Mom.” (Just like any young child would say) The voice said, “OK, go home to your mom, but the next time, you’re coming home with me.” Inquisitively Travis asked, “Sir, what is your name?” The voice answered, “My name is Jesus.” Each time I watch this story it never grows old. I always gape like it were the first time to hear it.
Shortly after this life-altering experience in 1989 Travis’ father suddenly died of an aneurysm (aneurysm is a ballooning and weakened area in an artery. Aneurysms often occur in the aorta, brain, back of the knee, intestine or spleen. A ruptured aneurysm can result in internal bleeding and stroke.)
Just like everyone has a turning point, this was it for Travis. He became very passionate about music. It was God’s way of giving him an escape from tragedy and crisis as he says.
If I had 20 minutes with Travis I would want to listen to this story again for the Nth time.
His music stands out for me and I would love him to play me ‘You waited’ which is one of my favorite among his songs.