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20 facts about me


20 facts about me

Ever felt like someone was stripping you? As you stand there, you are not sure who is judging you or cheering you on. Writing facts about myself is not necessarily a cup of tea for me but a challenge is a challenge, and once in, there is no turning back. So here is what Day 2 of the #UGBlogMonth looks like for me.

1. I am a middle child

What is that thing they say about middle children? Yes I am a middle child and an only girl too. Many who saw me grow, feel like I was favored the most although I believe otherwise. I was beaten the most. (Yes! the African way) but I cannot argue that I was not loved dearly. So there is something interesting about being a middle child and most importantly an only girl and I would not trade that position for any other.

2. One of my favorite things to do is minister through songs.

Thanks to my elder brother, I was introduced to active participation in church at a time which is arguably the most critical in any growing adult’s life. (Beginning of campus which is a taste of ‘freedom’.) To this day, more than often you will find me in church spaces or church related activities if I am not at my day’s job. In particular I belong to the worship team of Christ the King prayer group and the Blessed Women of Faith worship Team. There is something that happens to one’s soul when they sing out and I do not know how best to explain it but, whenever we sing at mass or weddings and I see how the congregation breaks out in praise, my heart is full. Even when the singing preparations require almost all evenings of my week days, I get the zeal to go and sing to the Lord. “A heart that sings prays twice”

3. One thing I know I do well is leadership

One thing I have come to appreciate is that I am called to leadership. Somehow I will find myself organising an event or activity, time and again. Sometimes I am unaware how I got myself there and by the time I snap to ‘consciousness’, I am far in to back out. The unrest I get when I see something in which I know I can serve, and I am not, the feeling is not worth it, so I gladly go and serve. Now I have embarked on sharpening these leadership skills further and I am currently a leadership student at Harvest Institute, Class 2020

4. I cannot live without my phone

To be honest, if I said I was aware I could live without my phone, I would be lying. Thanks to this self awareness challenge. I usually give the excuse that it is because of my work and it is dependent on my phone especially for communication. One day I forgot my phone home and only realised when I was about a kilometre away from my work place. If I told you I made the journey back to pick it, you would not believe me. I am now trying to work on a detachment process for this. It is not healthy at all.

5. If I wasn’t what I am today I would be a photographer

Growing up my father had a camera and always took pictures of me each time he dropped or picked me up from pre-school, so you would always find me with a swarm of children. When I graduated to primary school, this stopped however as a family, we remained with the tradition of taking pictures every Sunday. We had our special corner in the church compound and the camera man always knew what to do. It is right there that I developed the love for photography to this day. So given any opportunity I love to be in-front of the lens or behind it.

6. Something I’d love to get rich by doing full time is to do with children and or the differently able-d persons.

My career (nutritionist) deals a lot with young children as well as persons that are differently able-d and working with such persons melts my heart. Last year my friend and I got the opportunity to celebrate our birthdays with children in a differently able-d home in Kakiri. It was such a memorable experience for me to see these sweet souls break into smiles. I share my experience in this article.

If I could do anything to better the living of these groups of people, I would die a happy girl.

7. The people who have influenced my life the most are my mother and elder brother

I grew up in a very small family of just two brothers and I with our mother. Our dad was away for the better part of our life so I was influenced by my mother and elder brother. When I grew older, still in the ‘protective wings’ of my elder brother, he introduced me to Christ the King Catholic church community, and those too were added to the list of influencers in my life.

8. I would love to meet Pope Francis

Pope Francis is the current leader of the Roman Catholic church in the whole world. He amazes me with his simplicity in his way of life and the way he approaches it. I always imagine what kind of conversation we would have if I had the opportunity to have a chat with him. I would want to just sit there and listen the whole time.

9. My Perfect day starts with mass and end with a hearty meal

Beginning my day with mass has been one of the best ‘ingredients’ of my routine in the recent past. The day I do not begin with mass is a dead one. My love for food and good company is the perfect way to end a day in my world. So get me very good company (family and or friends) and a very tasty meal and you will have closed my day perfectly.

10. If I could live anywhere in the world it would be right here

Surprisingly I am one of the very few people I guess who has never fancied living anywhere else other than my mother land, Uganda. I would love to go visit all sorts of places, but never in my wildest dreams would I want to live there for good. I have come to appreciate that despite the many challenges we face as a country, no place beats it for me as home.

11. One thing on my bucket list is bungee jumping

I have a very deep fear for heights yet the one thing on my bucket list is bungee jumping. And more interesting I would love to do this with my significant other, the couple bungee jump. I always imagine the rush of adrenalin intertwined as we hold onto each other like our life ends there. So my significant one, brace your self darling!!!

12. An accomplishment I’m particularly proud of is creating a nutrition website

For the longest time after my bachelor’s degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics which is 4 years ago, has been to leave a mark in this nutrition space, however tiny this would be. Funny how I thought this was going to be obvious. 4 years down the road, it is now that this reality is slowly trying to take shape and my biggest accomplishment thus far has been to create my own nutrition website on which I get to share nutrition related information to the world out there.

13. One very memorable year is 2016

2016 is such a memorable year for me because it was the time when I graduated and also got my first work assignment in Karamoja, an experience that has been the worst so far in my work life. I did not even finish 3 months at this job but the effects of this experience haunt me to this day. I lost 6kgs in that short time. That is a story for another day I guess.

14. My favorite comfort food is porridge

Weird as it may sound, porridge is my comfort food. It does not matter what kind of porridge it is; whether it has milk or not, cold or hot, it just has to be porridge. I remember one day while seated in my mother’s shop, I was drinking from my famous porridge mug and a client mistook me for a lactating mother on seeing the size of the mug. Any time is tea porridge time.

15. I’d like to be remembered for an impact lived life

Beyonce Knowles has a famous song titled “I was Here” and somewhere in that song there is a verse that goes like this,

I want to leave my footprints on the sand of time
Know there was something that, something that I left behind
When I leave this world, I’ll leave no regrets
Leave something to remember, so they won’t forget

I want to be remembered for a contribution I made that impacted people out there and that is why I am focusing my efforts on changing the face of nutrition in this country among pregnant women and children as well as persons that are differently able-d. I want to leave my footprints on the sand of time.

16. If I could keep any animal as a pet I would choose a dog

When I was in my senior 3, I visited a friend at their family home. They were known in our village to have the toughest dogs but since it was day time I figured the dogs were caged and the apparent threat was non existent. As I walked into the gate, I saw one of the dogs lying but my fears were quickly soothed by the fact that their mother was right there in the compound removing clothes from the hang line. Hardly had I made a step than the dog charged at me leaving me with a deep wound in my thigh. That made me hate dogs until I rented a place where the landlord thought it wise for us to have dogs for security, so I had only two choices. Either to love the dogs or leave the place and I chose the former. Now, me and dogs are inseparable.

17. One thing I am afraid of is swimming.

I am clearly hydrophobic for the greater part. Me and water seem to have a parallel relationship so indulging in this sport is close to me signing a death sentence. In addition to having hydrophobia, I am very uncomfortable displaying my body for the people around the swimming pool. I am not confident enough to flaunt my ‘bikini’ body. But I can attempt to swing my legs in the water.

18. The most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me is……

Way back in my senior 6, we were in our biology practical class and the teacher was explaining something very contentious. Everyone was quiet and you could hear a pin fall on the ground. This is the time my stomach decided to grumble so loudly and it did not matter what I did to muffle the sound, it went on for a good sixty seconds. The whole class including the teacher bust into deafening laughter and that was the end of our class that day. To this day that memory traumatises me.

19. Most painful experience I have had so far is losing my bestfriend

In May last year I lost my best friend to a very fatal accident in California. This experience changed my entire view of life to this day. It defined the phrase “Life is short” for me. The world made a very painful momentary pause that time and it is an experience I briefly shared in this piece.

Can a pen write down that for which many a time there are no words? This is how I can describe this part of my life.

20. If I had one dying wish it would be for my mother

I have been brought up by my mother almost single handedly and I have seen our humble beginnings to where we are now. The sacrifices she has had to make, for not only myself but all 3 of us and many others that have passed through her care are crystal clear. If my dying wish was not to her then I do not know to whom it would go to.


Get to know me, 2023 edition. Happy new year

Five days as I write this into the new year and the year does not look bad at all. For me at least. I wonder how your new year is going. Resolutions are still in their happy season for many, big ambitions and dreams are high up there and I love it. I honestly love the beginning of the year because it is a time for us to rewrite our stories, and dream afresh. It is an opportunity to make it better and that makes the highlight for me.

I started off the year appearing on a friend’s youtube channel chatting about what I love and do best, nutrition but in that conversation, there was so much more than nutrition in itself. (You can watch it here)

While watching the episode for the first time as Murriel asked who I was got me thinking of the metamorphosis we all go through in our lifetime. I am definitely not who I was five or three years ago. The facts don’t change but there are aspects that do and that is the purpose of this blog today. I have interfaced with so many new people along my path and it is only fair to connect with them while reconnecting with the old. I hate vulnerability but I am a work in progress and this is proof.

Ladies and gentlemen, get to know me;

1. Where is your happy place?

My happy place is food. I honestly love good food and I always have. A friend once asked where all my food goes but yes food is definitely top on the list and I will add travel as a bonus


2. What’s your favorite birthday dessert?

I do not like dessert because I missed the sweet tooth.

3. What is one thing you still have from when you were little?

My chair. I have a purple chair that I used when I was as little as 4 years that has become a family treasure.

4. What career did you dream of having as a kid?

The career I had was to be a doctor thanks to my love of science, besides that is almost all we knew. Professional careers were not as varied as they are now. I make mention the reason this changed in my book – Differently Abled Nutrition and also hint at it in this video

5. What is the worst sound in the world to you?

This has got to be the sound of a snore, and no offense to anyone that does, that sound just irritates me. I will also add the sound of squeaking brakes to this list as a bonus.

6. If you could make up a holiday, what would it be named?

“Lutgard on the loose” is what I would name it. I have not had a holiday in a while and I badly need one where I do not have to care for the report that I have not done

7. What is your own personal kryptonite?

My personal kryptonite is anyone disrespecting another in any shape or form.

8. If you were to give one book to all of your friends, what would it be?

My labor of love most definitely, Differently Abled Nutrition by Lutgard Musiime

Make mealtime easier for your differently abled child

9. What object do you lose the most?

This has got to be umbrellas. Each time I use it and rest it anywhere, I forget it when I get up

10. Morning person or night owl?

I am a blend so it depends. I have no problem with both and I am comfortable so I will have seasons where either features.

11. How many people are in your family?

We are 4, my mother, two brothers, and I.

12. What show on Netflix (or Hulu/Disney) have you binge-watched the fastest?

Harry and Megan documentary, I always watched minutes after being released

Harry & Meghan Documentary Part 2, Release Date and Photos - Netflix Tudum

13. If you were to enter a photography competition, what would you take pictures of?

Pictures of me. I love taking mine to marvel upon this wonderful God’s masterpiece

14. Do you consider yourself a risk-taker?

Yes, I would.

15. What has turned out to be a huge silver lining in your life?

The career path I ended up taking

I will stop here, feel free to add other questions in the comment section, I will be happy to answer.


The year has just started, do not carry the burdens of the previous year into the new one. Be free, child. Here is an opportunity to reinvent the wheel. Give faith a chance and let us make this year what we want to make it.

I wish you the best of luck in 2023.

See you next Wednesday



Nutrition at every stage for women


It is no secret that the nutritional requirements for men, women, children and babies differ. People have different nutritional needs based on their age, weight, height, lifestyle and underlying health issues however women face unique health issues along their life cycle from menstruation, pregnancy and lactation as well as menopause. These are usually stages of 15 to 65 years when many hormonal changes occur the most in the body of women. At every stage of their lives, women need more nutrients, as their body undergoes many changes at each stage of life. It is important for us to know the most important nutrients needed at every stage of your womanhood inorder to thrive and lead a worthwhile life. I guarantee you that knowing which matter most will help you choose the best foods and supplements.

Adoloscents Women

As children are on their way to adulthood, they go through a tunnel called puberty where the body is beginning to discover itself and position itself in the woman world. Around 12 to 14 years, their body is undergoing many physical and biological changes. In this whole mix is when the red sea (menstruations) make their way into the girls’ lives and this comes with expectations which require one to pay attention to these nutritents required to support growth and development.

Iron: This is an essential nutrient for healthy blood cells especially as girls begin to menstruate. Did you know that with each period, a woman loses around 1 mg of iron every day? What this means is there is need to replensh the body with what it is being lost. Anaemia is very common if one is not careful and this can have dire effects in the future like poor reproductive health, poor growth, poor school performance and an effect on their mental health hence the need to be pump up the haemoglobin levels.

Looking for a way to do that? – Consume foods that are high in iron which include but not limited to beef, chicken, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables and always remember to pair this with foods rich in vitamin C like oranges, tomatoes, peppers, papaya, mango, pineapple as this increases iron absorption into the body.

Calicum: This is another nutrient that is needed at all stages of life but becomes very important for the development of healthy bones and teeth in adolescents. Calcium requirements increase during the pre-pubertal growth spurt as adolescence is a crucial period to build strong bones. A lack of calcium can lead to low bone mineral density, poor mineralization of bones, bone deformities and an increased the risk for osteoporosis later in life. This nutrient is further useful for the alleviation of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) symptoms and can prevent excessive weight gain during adolescence.

Looking for a way to do that? – Consume dietary sources of calcium such as dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, and soy products. Some other sources of calcium are fish with edible bones like mukene, green leafy vegetables, and nuts

Women of childbearing age (Pregnancy and lactation)


In this time the body is prepared, preparing to give life. Nutrition needs always spike during pregnancy as the body is trying to manage two lives at ago. Eating healthy is not only important to meet the nutritional requirements of the developing fetus but also for the mother’s well-being. A healthy balanced diet is sufficient to meet the nutritional demand during pregnancy and promote the growth and development of the fetus but it is also very important when the baby finally makes it out and is surviving on only breastmilk. Here are the vital nutrients to pay attention to.

Folic acid: Also known as vitamin B9, Folic acid or folate is a vital nutrient that helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida, and anencephaly. Folic acid is recommended for women of child-bearing age to prevent neural tube defects as well as growth and development of new cells. It’s role in fetal development and lactation is unwavering. Folate is present in a variety of green leafy vegetables and fruits, legumes like beans and peas, nuts, yeast extracts  and fortified foods. While eating a variety of foods is recommended, some women may still fall short and this is the reason nothing is left to chance and pregnant women especially are given folic acid supplements.

Iron: Unlike in adoloscents where iron is mostly lost during the monthly mensturation periods, women who are expectating need increased amounts of iron for the growing baby and placenta. Having lows levels of iron during pregnancy incrases the risk of having a preterm or low birth weight baby. Good sources of of iron include red meat, organ meats with the exception of the liver which is high in vitamin A (here is why you need to be ware of your vitamin A intake during pregnancy), legumes, nuts, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables. Just like I explained earlier, it is wise to accompany this a vitamin C rich food like a glass of any citrus fruit juice or fruit to increase the absorption of iron. Coffee, tea, milk can inhibit the absorption of iron and therefore should not be consumed alongside the meals. You can have them alone but not with meals.

Omega 3 fatty acids: these are essential for the neurological and early visual development of your baby and for making breast milk after birth. Increase your intake by aiming for eating more fish, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds.

Iodine: Iodine is another essential mineral for the developing fetus. Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormone, regulation of body temperature, growth, metabolic rate, blood cell production and nerve and muscle function. If you don’t pay attention to your iodine intake during pregnancy, your child may experience learning difficulties and motor nerve impairments later in life. One easy way to ensure a good iodine intake is consuming iodized salt. Sea food is also a good source for iodine.

Calicum: the physiological changes during pregnancy greatly increase calcium requirement of an expectant mother. The fetus needs calcium for the development of bones and teeth and the body will priotise the babies needs over yours so it is important to have enough for both of you. Calcium is also essential for the proper functioning of the circulatory, muscular and nervous systems. The dietary sources are not any different from the ones mentioned earlier for an adoloscent.

Zinc: This is an important nutrient that is needed for rapid cell growth that occurs during pregnancy as well as maintaing the structural integrity. Dietary sources of zinc are lean meat, seafood, whole grains, legumes and nuts.

Vitamin D: This nutrient flows hand in hand with calcium as it increases the absorption of calcium which as mentioned earlier is very important. Dietary sources can be got from margarine, eggs and oily fish

Proteins: These are crucial for the growth of the fetus, especially in the second and third trimesters. Dietary sources of protein include, lean meat, fish, and eggs legumes like peas, beans, dairy products, and peanut butter.


The Menopause | How Our Understanding Has Changed Through History - HistoryExtra

This is the period the body is drawing back for all the hard work it has done over the years. Many systems are slowly closing shop, a transition stage and an end to the active reproductive years. This is usually in the ages between 40-50 years. This is caused by the decline or absence of the female hormone estrogen produced by the ovaries and it comes with it changes in energy levels, memory, bone health, heart health and hormones. Eating right and regular physical activity can help maintain health during and after the menopause and therefore here are some of the nutrients to pay attention to.

Omega 3 fatty acids: Symptoms of depression and the occurrence of hot flashes are very common during menopause and these fatty acids are helpful in reducing these symptoms. Cardiovascular health is also supported by this nutrient as women in this time are prone to cardiovascular diseases. Since the body cannot synthesise these fatty acids, they have to get them from dietary sources that I mentioned above.

Calcium: Bone mineral density decreases during menopause and osteoporosis is a common occurence. The bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue due to hormonal changes, and a deficient of calcium or vitamin D diet only makes things worse. Increasing your calcium intake is necessary to help support healthy bone density. The dietary sources have been mentioned above.

Vitamins: All vitamins are very important in this stage of a woman’s life but B vitamins are looked at in a greater relevance. These play a crucial role in the central nervous system and brain methylation pathways. Emotional balance is so much needed during the menopause and these vitamins will do just that. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), Vitamin B 3 (niacin), Vitamin B 1 (thiamine), and Vitamin B 9 (folate) are essential for a healthy nervous system and support proper functioning of the brain. The dietary sources can be got from fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, dairy, fish, poultry, and whole grains

Antioxidants: Free radicals cause damage to the cells, including protein, lipids, and DNA. Free radical damage accelerates the aging process and who does not want to age gracefully? Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E are required to scavenge the free radicals and protect the body from damage. Dietary sources include fruits, organ meats, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables, and fortified foods.

We are still in the women month and it is imperative we leave no information shared. Women have unique nutritional needs therefore eating well at every stage of your womanhood, can control cravings, manage your weight, boost your energy, and enable you age gracefully.

See you next Wednesday

Lifestyle, Nutrition

Welcome to 2022 – Happy New Year

The last time I was here was last year and the feeling of flipping to 2022 is very surreal. I welcome you to 2022, Happy new year everybody. I cannot thank God enough because I was one of those who couldn’t wait to let 2021 go, but nevertheless, here is another opportunity to reset, restrategize and win with a bang.

How was the festive for you? Did you catch up with your loved ones? Did you have the well-deserved rest you needed? I hope you did because I did. I refilled my cup and you are not ready for what I have for you this year. Be ready for an awesome ride, there is a lot I have in store for you and I am really excited about it.

You are reading this on Wednesday, five days into the new year. It is not by accident because 2022 is coming with a beautiful twist. Every Wednesday will be our content date, we will light the candles, get cosy and read away. I will do everything in my power to deliver this promise.

Six Virtual Date Ideas For You and Your Boo | The Campus Crop
This will be us every Wednesday. :Internet Image

As we write in our first chapter of this new book (2022), I wish that all of you are filled with hope, May the Lord be by your side all year through, and when the cracks cave, may you have the strength to fix them and move forward.

Gifts for you – Happy New year

I will leave you with 5 gifts to carry with you into the new year. Here we go;

📌 Be grateful for the little things, you may not have hit the big ones in 2021 but you surely did something, I am clapping for you.

📌 Was 2021 a tough year? Okay, don’t wallow in your sorrow, the world is moving, push through and pray that 2022 is a better year.

📌 Your resolutions don’t go past the 15th day of January? Be kind to self, make 1, it is okay.

📌 You learnt some lessons in 2021 right? Don’t let that go to waste.

📌 Lastly pray to the one you believe in for your stars to align in the new year.

Happy New Year Gift Box | Confetti Gift Company, succulent gift boxes, soy  candle gifts

Best of Luck in 2022

Happy new year everyone and thank you for coming back again this year. Here are some articles to keep you company till we next meet.

See you on Wednesday.



It was a momentous experience for June as I participated in the AfroBlogger’s WINTERABC2021 and was duly nominated for the most outstanding blogger for the #WINTERABC2021 but I had to give way from Elise Triza who, to be honest, deserved it from day 1. She brought the game on and did not flinch for a single day even when some of us were struggling especially in the Business/Tech week. (Oh how I struggled in this week!!! But the Lord is faithful, I made through it alive.) To everyone who read and still reads my content, I am eternally grateful.

As I was taking a short break, I get nominated for The Golden Bloggerz Award by my sweet friend Mrs. Arinda Joy Mbabazi, the brains behind The Sparrow and I am grateful that she did. I am more than delighted to jump on.

The Golden Bloggerz Award is one made to motivate and reward all those amazing bloggers that work daily to serve their audience and are worth more and deserving of this recognition. Their priority is to do their best to help their readers solve their problems & reach their goals! Now when I say that it is such an honor to be nominated, you know what I mean. The feeling of being recognized for all your hard work is such a priceless feeling.

Golden Bloggerz Award


  1. Place the award logo on your blog
  2. Mention the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and place a link to their website
  4. Mention the award’s creator and provide a link too.
  5. Tell your audience 3 things about you
  6. Nominate 10 – 20 people who deserve this award
  7. Let your nominees know by messaging/commenting on their Social Media or their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions you want.
  9. Share 2-3 links to your best posts


I wrote 20 facts about myself in this very place, and I wouldn’t want to repeat myself. It was a piece that I wrote that tried me and choosing just three things would be such a hard paper. So why give you three when I can give you 20 of those. Click here and tell me your favorite three from what you will have read.



If there was one thing I was most beaten for growing up aside from being naughty, it was talking. Friends I went to school with will tell you that the only time I wasn’t on the list of noise makers was when I was sick or as a prefect supervising another lot of students with my same vice. (Set a thief to catch a thief type of thing.) The times when I was not on that ramshackle piece of paper that class monitors used to use, chances were high that the teacher would let the culprits go. When I grew up and realized that I could get to talk in other ways like writing, I was ecstatic. You see, in adulthood, everyone is busy doing something important including me, so my favorite part about blogging is that I get to ‘talk’ unlimitedly and even get to be paid for it. Brilliant!!!! I don’t have to get into trouble for it like back then in school.


My struggles are not that many but I will have to give the biggest to the creative block that happens time and again. I used to feel guilty and bad about it but not anymore. There is a period I went off these streets for nearly a month, not because I did not have the content, but I was going through a phase that sucked all my zeal to be creative. Each time I wanted to write so badly, I found myself giving up on the first line. This is the most guilty I ever felt I think, and I remember apologizing so much for it to my audience until one of them told me that it is okay to go off for a while to refill your cup. “You cannot give what you don’t have,” I remember him saying and since then I don’t feel bad about it. But it is still a struggle for me because I love to write and when I cannot for someone reason or another, it gets to me.


You cannot be everywhere, spreading too big, only leaves you spreading too thin. So in whatever I do I try my best to specialize and get well versed in that area. It also helps the consumers of your productivity not to get confused as to where to belong.

In writing or call it blogging, you cannot do away with reading. Read, read and read. This will sharpen your creative craft in that area. I love to read other bloggers’ material to have a diversification of different skills of writing. I learn a thing or two that I can incorporate into my writing, which has been of so much help.

Love positive criticism. You cannot know it all and there are always things that you may never tell unless someone tells you. The consumers of your productivity will always stir you in the right direction so listen to them.


Change for me is usually uncomfortable and I usually struggle with it. That being said changing something about myself is not in the cards for me. I believe I am created in the image of God just as Genesis 1:27 reads and changing that would be doing a disservice to me, so there is nothing I would change about myself but it is my life goal to live to be a better Christian, daughter, sister, friend, and citizen of this beautiful universe.


I have told this story repeatedly, and by now, you should have read it if you actually read the 20 facts about me. The one thing I can never do again is to accept a job offer without understanding the conditions of the task at hand. It is said “Once beaten twice shy,” I think for me I am thrice or more shy despite this having happened very many years ago. To know the reason why, you will have to read about it here. It is number 13.


  1. Valentine

2. Patricia Opio

3. Grace

4. Olivia

5. Anita Komukama

6. Fiona Laker

7. Tuha

8. Elise

And feature these guests;

9. Becky

10. Dearna

11. Emeka



Joy came up with good questions I would love my nominees to attempt them too. It should not be that hard, isn’t it? My guests are free to try these too.

  1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

2. What is your biggest struggle as a blogger?

3. Can you share some of your productivity tips?

4. What would you change about yourself if you could?

5. What is one thing you will never do again? Why?